Электронный знак.Бизнес

by РУП "Издательство "Б&#10...



Mobile application “Electronic sign. Business" was developed for business entities of the Republic of Belarus registered as participants in the state information system for marking goods with unified control marks or identification means "Electronic Sign".The user is given the opportunity to:· When purchasing goods that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation (as part of market trade), check the authenticity of the means of identification of goods and enter into circulation in the GIS EZ for subsequent import and circulation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;· Possibility to enter information about contracts between a participant in the circulation of goods and its counterparties;· Possibility to transmit information about the movement of marked goods;· The ability to accept goods shipped to him or receive the implementation of BSO from the operator;· Possibility to transmit information about the introduction into circulation of goods imported from the EAEU member countries, where mandatory labeling of goods has been introduced;· Based on the received cross-border shipment document, accept goods (put into circulation) imported from EAEU member countries where mandatory labeling of goods has been introduced;· Among a batch of goods, find a specific product with a labeling code that was received as erroneous as a result of being put into circulation in the EZ GIS;· View the main attributes of the product and the current status of the marking code.